Welcome to Essex County Collision's estimate page. Here's how we'll schedule your estimate and prepare the forms for us to begin your repair.

Get an Estimate

If you choose to use your insurance company, you can contact them to request a claim number, or we can contact them for you and handle your claim directly.
    If you choose to pay for your repair without using your insurance company, stop by at any time for a free estimate of the repair.
      Call 978.745.6267 to schedule a convenient time or stop by and ask for Kevin for your free estimate.

      Authorization Form

      Click the image above to download the authorization & direct to pay form. When completed, this will:
      • Provide authorization for us to preform the work on your vehicle.
      • Direct payment from your insurance company to ECC.
      Then, simply fax or email it to us and we will move on to the next step in the process: Scheduling.


      We have secure indoor storage but if your vehicle can be driven you may want to keep it until we can perform your repair. We will schedule the following:
    • Repair date window.
    • Pick up or drop off date.
    • Rental car if needed.
    • Anticipated completion date.